MSN Money: Times you shouldn't pay with plastic

Credit cards are convenient and offer you lots of protections -- but there are times when using them (or trying to) just buys trouble.

We're used to thinking of credit cards as something we can use whenever we choose. But a few recent stories are reminders that we either can't or shouldn't use credit cards for absolutely everything.

When you want a peaceful taxi ride

In some cities, taxi drivers may give you a hard time if you try to use a credit card to pay your fare -- in spite of the fact that their cabs may be festooned with American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa stickers. The Bay Citizen suggests that San Francisco may be the latest such city.

Apparently, cab companies have imposed a 5% fee on card transactions, and drivers are understandably resentful over having their incomes "taxed" in this way. The Bay Citizen website has a scary video of the sort of conversation you may expect if you try to flash your plastic in a San Francisco taxi.

Instant Fail